Sony MPF420-1 modified to work with the Amiga
- Set the jumpers like this: (10-5 = DS0, 10-15 = DS1)
- Note, you can switch the colour of the activity LED with the jumper that is between 1-6-11. (1-6 = amber, 6-11 = green).
- Find the test pad that is on the trace that goes to pin 34 of the data connector.
- There is a wide yellow silkscreen blob on top of the trace that makes following the trace a little difficult, but you can easily confirm it with your multimeter.
- Cut the trace before or after the test pad. Be careful, there is another trace right next to the one you want to cut.
- Solder a wire from pin 3 of the jumper block to pin 34 of the data connector.


- Here are the descriptions for the jumper pins:
- Note, the numbers inside the circles explain which data connector pin that particular jumper pin is connected to.