seat repair

Theory of Operation
Tools/Material required
Quick check: With the ignition switch in the Run position, you should be able to
hear the seat heater switch assembly make a kind if click or "ching!"
nose when you switch it; that's a relay energizing. It may do it at each switch
position or at only one position, but if it does it at all, then the problem is most likely in the seat heater element wire
itself. Although I have had a switch fail, seat heater problems are almost
always in the seat heater element.
If you're at all mechanically inclined, you can do this. And it's worth it
- the heated seats are WONDERFUL!
You can work on the seats while they're in the car (which saves
having to remove the plastic trim panel and the seat belt anchor), or you can
remove the seat completely to a place where you can work on it comfortably and
with plenty of room. I've done it both ways; in either case, it's
necessary that you completely unbolt the seats from the floor and disconnect the
electrical harnesses. The last time I did seat work, on the Aero, I just
turned the seats 90 degrees so they faced out the door of the car; this was a
pretty reasonable working environment. Items highlighted in yellow are
the minimum requirements - do only these steps if you want to just
rotate the seats 90 degrees and not completely remove them from the car.
If you want to remove the seat and take it to a work area, do the steps in white
text as well.
Remove the seat (this is for power seats) -
- Remove the T10 screw that's just below the center of the main seat control
switch handle
- Working from the rear floorboard area, remove the T10 screw that secures
the outer plastic trim piece to the rear of the seat (this screw faces
- Run the seat all the way forward
- Run the seat as high as it will go, front and back
- Pry out the circular plastic piece (from the top rear of the outer plastic
trim piece) , then remove the T20 screw
- Pry the handles off the seat control switches, then remove the plastic
trim piece
- Disconnect the electrical connector from the trim panel
- There is a plastic side plate that blocks access to the seatbelt bolt -
slide the plate forward to gain access to the bolt
- the plastic plate will slide forward only when the seat is adjusted
to it's highest position
- Use a T40 Torx tool or a 17mm socket or wrench to remove the bolt that
secures the seatbelt to the seat
- Be careful if you use a 17mm socket or wrench, as the bolt head is not
very thick, which makes it hard to grip
- Remove the two seat-to-floorboard bolts at the rear
- A 3/8" breaker bar will help to release the (Lock Tight-treated) bolts
- A breaker bar is stronger than a ratchet
- It is also compact and will fit where a ratchet won't
- Re-install the seat switch handle and run the seat all the way
- Remove the two front seat-to-floorboard bolts
- Tilt the seat back and disconnect the two wiring harnesses at the front.
- Using an ohm meter, measure resistance from the yellow wire to the black
wire on the larger plug (on the wiring harness that goes to the seat)
- If more than a couple of ohms, the heater wire is broken, so proceed
- (the resistance between the black and blue wires should be around 1000
- (this is the thermister connection)
- Tilt the seat back, then sideways, then wrestle the seat out of the car,
throw it over your shoulder and take it to your work area
- The seat weighs 50 pounds and, due to its bulk, is more difficult to
carry than a child of comparable weight
- Assuming that the child isn't struggling
- Which is a stupid assumption, isn't it?!
Remove the seat cover -
NOTE: when you first remove the seat cover, note the exact location of the
thermister (it's the thing that senses the seat temperature). Take a
picture of its location, or mark the location with a magic marker. If you
fail to get it back in the right position, it won't sense the seat temperature
correctly. This can result in the seat heater wire burning in two, or
burning so thoroughly that it cannot be repaired.
All the following steps are necessary:
Two loops of stiff, heavy wire secure the front of the seat cover to a small
diameter bar at the front of the seat. Use pliers to bend the ends so
these can be removed. Picture
Throw them away and replace them later with cable ties.
There was a cable tie on the inner side toward the front on my 94 Aero; this tie
wasn't on the 91.
The seat cover is held in place by wire hook loops. They loop
over a piece of stiff wire running around the inner periphery of the seat cover
(the central U-shaped section, where your butt contacts the seat), then pull
down and hook over the thinner wires that run across the bottom frame of the seat.
There's one at the front of the U curvature (not on the Aero seats, I think), one on each side toward the front,
one on each side midway back and one at each side toward the back. Look
for silver wire pieces looping over the black cross wires. Picture
- There are two ways to detach the hook loop wires:
- Bend a 1/2" loop in the end of a coat hanger and slip the loop around
the silver wire loop, then pull hard on
the coat hanger and push up on the cross wire (use a stick to push the cross
wire if it's hard to get to)
- Be sure that your coat hanger loop doesn't grab the cross wire
- You'll see the head of the hanger wire hook as you pull it down; twist the
coat hanger and slip the hook off the black restraining cross-wire
- Another way is to grab the end of the hook-wire with pliers, then pull
down and twist to disengage
- Takes a good, strong grip
Try removing the front 2 or 3 hook loops, then lift the front of the seat
cover and see if you can see a burned place that indicates the problem
area. If so, you probably won't have to remove the rest of the seat
cover . Picture
To completely remove the cover, remove the remaining hooks/hangers, then
tilt the seat forward and remove the two similar wire clips that hold
the back flap to the under-wiring
- You can cut these if you want, and replace them with cable ties
Slip the front of the cover up off the seat bottom, then tilt it up.
The outer wire frame of the cover hooks into clips at the back of the metal
seat frame; tilt the cover up and slide it forward to release it
On the 94 Aero there is a seat controller module that gets in the way of at
least one of the hooks. It's easy enough to swing it down out of the
way. Picture
Find and correct the problem -
Hey, you think THAT was fun?! Now you have to find the break in the
circuit! Ari has the tip of tips:
To get at the connections or the heater element wiring, you will
have to cut the encapsulating fabric with a utility knife, then pull the fabric
aside. The Aero heater element was buried more deeply than that on the
91. Using an ohm meter, monitor the connection points to the heater
wiring (one black wire, one yellow wire); when the circuit is good, it should only read a couple of ohms.
- Check the connections where the yellow and black wires connect to the thin black
heater element wiring
If the location of the break isn't obvious, you will have to probe the heater wire at various
points to see where continuity is and isn't. I scraped the insulation back
at various points using the utility knife, and checked back to one or the other
connector points (black or blue wire at the connector) until I was able to isolate the break. I covered the
scraped spots with hot melt glue to protect them from further damage. If
you can think of a better way to do it, please let me know. Frankly, I
think it's risky to scrape the insulation back like this, but it's all I can
think of to do when there's no obvious burned spot to indicate a break.
- Suspect points where the heater wire crosses from the inner part of the
seat (the buttock area) to the outer part (the leg support area). A
pull test at these points might identify a break
- Ari says that ALL of the breaks he has ever seen have been on the
front outer edge of the seat (where the most wear occurs from getting in
and out of the car)
- Once you find the break, solder it back together and cover the repair with
electrical tape, or put a piece of heat shrink sleeving on before the repair
and shrink it down afterward. Ari likes the heat shrink method.
While it's tough, I worry about its flexibility. I also cover the
repair with a couple of squares of duct tape to help protect it. Don't
get carried away with tape, as it won't conduct heat.
- Connect the wiring harnesses, start the engine, turn the seat heater
on and sit on the seat a few minutes to see if it heats up. Use common
sense about exhaust fumes; as in, don't sit in the idling car with the hatch
door open, or in a garage, or in any situation where exhaust fumes could
- According to the Haynes manual, it's not a good idea to let the car
sit with the ignition switch in the run position but without the engine
- Be advised that seat heat will be subtle, particularly when it's not
cold outside, and it may not come on at all when it's warm out.
Re-assemble the seat -
- Tack the heating element and fabric down with hot melt glue wherever
- Try to get the thermsiter back exactly where it was originally; it monitors
the heat and sends control signals back to the switch/controller
- If you don't know where it was, position it near a heater element loop
- Slip the rear seat cover flap under the seat back/bottom joint, tilt
the front of the cover up and fit the ends of the cover wire
into the tabs in the frame at the rear, then fit the cover to the seat
- If you forget to secure the ends of the wire into the clips, or if
they slip out, you can bend the clip tang out slightly so the wire rod
can be slipped into position
- You can re-use the wire hook loops, or you might try long
cable ties. Picture
Cable ties work OK on the front and back positions,
but it's too hard to get to the two middle positions. All in all, the
hanger/hooks work pretty well and aren't too hard to deal with once you get
used to them.
- Start at the rear and furthest from you
- Put the hanger wire/tie onto the wire frame on the cover
- Hanger: Hook the bottom part with your coat hanger hook
- Pull the hanger/tie down through the opening in the seat foam
- Push up on the cross wire, pull the hook from the bottom and
- Hanger: Hook the hanger onto a black cross wire
- Cable tie: Secure the tie around a cross wire, cinch it up and
clip off the excess
- Repeat for each, working toward yourself, then toward the front
- Use cable ties to fasten the front seat cover wire to the subframe wire
- Use the hanger clips or cable ties to fasten the rear flap to the
subframe wire
Re-mount the seat -
- Leave the plastic side trim piece off until the seatbelt anchor has been
- Connect the wiring harnesses to the floorboard connections
- Align the front mount holes,
install the bolts and tighten them finger tight
- Re-attach the seat belt anchor to the seat
- Re-install the plastic side piece (the top lip slips under the side of the
seat cover and wire rod)
- Install the screw under the switch and the one at the top rear side
- Re-install the plastic plug and the switch handles
- Install the screw that secures the trim piece to the rear of the seat
- Run the seat all the way forward and install the rear bolts.
Tighten them firmly but don't over-tighten them and snap them off
- Run the seat back again and tighten the front mount bolts
- Check seat positioning and heater operation